MusicLab 5: Lockdown Rave
Written on July 4th, 2020 by Algorave India
MusicLab 5: Lockdown Rave 10th July 2020
The 5th edition of MusicLab is an algorave (algorithmic rave) featuring Renick Bell based in Japan, Khoparzi based in India, and researchers in Norway. Renick Bell and Khoparzi will improvise live-coded music on their computers while the audience dances. We will try to measure your movement using a new MusicLab mobile application that uses smartphones’ accelerometers and gyroscopes. And if you agree to it the researchers will also ask questions about the experience of the concert.
Event start:
- UTC 13:30
- 15:30 in Oslo
- 19:00 in India
- 22:30 in Japan
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