Algorave: Music Hack Day India 2019
Written on December 5th, 2019 by Abhinay Khoparzi
Hot on the heels of upcoming performances in Pune, Algorave India in collaboration with Music Tech India brings you an algorave at another unique venue in Mumbai. As part of the Music Hack Day India 2019, we are organising a Algorave at Studio CAMP.
Please register at and we’ll send you direction and the exact address. It also helps to follow our Instagram page @algorave_india where we’ll be posting up to the minute details and walkthroughs to the venue.
Algoraves are events centered around performers/artists who use various creative coding technologies to create music and visuals. Artists present their programming code in full view of the audience, while it is manipulated live to produce sounds and visions to bend minds and jiggle behinds.
Supercontinent substance_D Khoparzi Tig3rbabu eardrummerman
Bio: substance D
substance_D is an experimental artist exploring electro- acoustic improvisation, data manipulation, algorithmic compositions, and sensor-based music. He likes to indulge in wood, electronics, metal, mud and anything that has structural binding and makes strange objects. His footprint is largely anonymous and emerges out periodically. He catalogs tribal dance, folk tales, acoustic information and conducts informal learning sessions in the himalayan villages with the school kids on understanding sound and computer codes. Active soul in the fab lab’s spread across via the common thread of internet and trying to push creative coding using various approaches like workshops, performances, talks and informal meet-ups. Been an integral part of the Algorave sub culture in India.
Abhinay Khoparzi is a multidisciplinary creative technologist who maintains a practice across film, video, music and web technologies. He has had a long relationship with the experimental electronic music scene in Mumbai with performances at venues and events like The Indian Electronica Festival, (Blue Frog), 6 Foot Oscillator in a 4 foot Room (Zenzi Mills). Abhinay co-founded the pioneering but now defunct web platform, netlabel, and publishing company 3rd Thought Entertainment in the early 2000’s where he organised collaborative performances with experimental, IDM artists like Kargo Pluggy, Sadahnmo and others from the varied roster. In the past year Khoparzi has performed live coded music and visuals with TidalCycles and Hydra at Fat Finger Mayhem (Max Mueller Bhavan, Mumbai, 2018 and 2019), Algorave Sheffield (UK, 2018), International Conference of Live Coding (Madrid, 2019), Algorave Bangalore, and Pune (2019). He now organises/conducts live coding workshops in collaboration with various maker spaces and artists collectives across India and has been curating and organising the Algorave events all over the country.
Tig3rbabu is a music project by musician and podcast producer Joshua Thomas, which focuses on using code to create synth pop songs and electronic arrangements - for the joy of pop music! He currently works as the Executive Producer for Express Audio (The Indian Express Podcast division) and uses the free live coding synthesizer Sonic Pi to create music and sound design across all the podcasts on the network.
Supercontinent is: Dr. David Ogborn aka @d0kt0r0 (Canada) David is a researcher and teaches at McMaster University and also led development of the Estuary platform.
Dr. Shelly Knotts @shelly_knotts (UK) Shelly recently finished her PhD in Live Computer Music and has been pushing female participation in laptop ensemble music for the better part of the decade as one half of Algobabez, OFFAL, and a host of other projects
Esteban Betancur (Medellin, Colombia) @essteb Esteban is audio and networked music musician and researcher and has co-developed the audio video live coding systems Cinevivo and CHmUsiCK.
Jessica Rodriguez, @Jessica31249273 is a musician and researcher at Networked Imagination Labs at McMaster University and has also worked in the development of Cinevivo
Abhinay Khoparzi aka Khoparzi (Allahabad, India)